lunedì, maggio 28, 2007

BBC debuts TV show in Second Life


The BBC is to broadcast its first TV show in Second Life when Money Programme looks at the economics of the virtual world.
The programme, which will be broadcast at the Rivers Run Red Cinema in Second Life on 1 June, follows reporter Max Flint (and avatar MP Masala) as he investigates the real fortunes being made in virtual worlds.
The film looks at selling 'virtual' products in Second Life and at the phenomenon of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMORPG) such as World of Warcraft, which has more than eight million paying members.The film will also look at virtual crime, how the industry is responding to MMORPG players who illegally trade game items for real money.

lunedì, maggio 14, 2007

Nicolas Sarkozy inquiète les médias

De Le Monde :

La victoire de Nicolas Sarkozy pose des questions dans de nombreuses rédactions.
En cause, les amitiés entretenues par le nouveau président de la République avec des hommes d'affaires présents dans les médias comme Arnaud Lagardère, dirigeant du groupe du même nom (Elle, Paris Match, Journal du dimanche, Europe 1...), Serge Dassault, propriétaire du Figaro, Alain Minc, président du conseil de surveillance du Monde, Martin Bouygues, propriétaire de TF1, Vincent Bolloré (Matin plus, Direct 8), ou Bernard Arnault, propriétaire de La Tribune...

Avant même l'épisode du retrait de l'article sur le vote de Cécilia Sarkozy, des journalistes du JDD avaient fait part de leur inquiétude. "Ce serait bien de rappeler les principes d'indépendance et de non interventionnisme", déclarait ainsi au Monde un journaliste interrogé avant que cette affaire soit révélée. "Des pressions il y a en a, les coups de téléphone du samedi matin, du samedi soir, venant souvent de la direction du groupe", confirme un salarié.

L'article en entier :

martedì, aprile 17, 2007

Reporters turn to blogs for shooting witnesses


Journalists flocked to students' weblogs last night in search of eyewitnesses to a shooting massacre on a US college campus.A guman killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, before turning the weapon on himself in the worst such massacre in American history.

A number of blogs kept by the university's student population provided harrowing first-hand testimony to the scenes on the university campus. One LiveJournal user, Paul, wrote how a student was hit by a bullet to her hand.

Ten years in to the evolution of the weblog, the medium has given individuals a voice with which to report their own personal stories. But the outpouring of reportage found in the blogosphere also gives professional reporters an opportunity to seek eyewitnesses for inclusion in news outlets with much larger audiences.

Within hours, reporters from around the world had scoured the blogosphere for first-hand accounts of the shooting, and found many student eyewitnesses to place on television, radio, print and the web.

Full story

venerdì, aprile 13, 2007

"Les Echos" bientôt "imprimés" sur e-paper

Un an après le lancement en Belgique du premier e-quotidien européen par le journal économique flamand De Tijd, c'est avec quelques semaines de retard que le groupe Les Echos proposera fin avril son quotidien sur lecteur électronique. Annoncée dès le début de l'année 2006, l'offre "e-paper" des Echos va donc inaugurer une nouvelle ère de lecture des quotidiens (Le du 18/1/07). Une version spécifique du journal économique imprimé (réactualisée plusieurs fois par jour et dès 5 heures du matin) sera disponible après souscription à un abonnement au service pour une somme allant de 365 à 835 euros, selon la version du lecteur choisie.

Lire la suite

domenica, aprile 01, 2007

‘Information revolution’ or war of the search engines?

From the i-witnesses:

In recent weeks the London underground train billboards have been plastered with adverts inviting commuters to join an ‘information revolution’. The campaign grabbed my attention because it implicitly attacked Google’s domination of the online information business. Like many others, I was intrigued to find out about their alternative vision, and visited the ‘information revolution’ website. At first glance the site is designed and branded as though it’s campaigning for an alternative search engine:

“You need several sources of information in order to get a balanced view of the world… And this is the spirit of the internet - choice.”

It even has ‘famous’ UK personalities endorsing the ‘campaign’. But it soon becomes clear that this is merely a convoluted publicity vehicle for the search engine

Full story

sabato, marzo 31, 2007

IBM helps blind 'see' web video

From BBCNews:

Technology giant, IBM, is soon to launch a multimedia browser to make audio and video content accessible to people with vision impairments.

Codenamed the Accessibility Browser - or A-Browser - the software was created by a blind employee in Japan.

The A-Browser will give blind and partially-sighted people the same control over multimedia content that sighted people have using a mouse.

IBM says it will be available later this year and hopes it will be free.

The A-Browser is the creation of Dr Chieko Asakawa, a blind employee at IBM's research laboratory in Tokyo.

Dr Asakawa was becoming increasingly frustrated by the amount of web content that she was unable to access.

For the time being, she and her team are concentrating on content that is compatible with Real Player and Windows Media Player.

Read the whole story

martedì, marzo 27, 2007

Life chiude, ma l'archivio va sul Web

Da Infocity:

Life, la rivista che a partire dal 1936 ha pubblicato le fotografie più significative dall'american lifestyle, con copertine che hanno immortalato i personaggi più importanti del secolo appena passato. Life ha regalato al mondo intero splendide immagini anche grazie al contributo di fotografi del calibro di Robert Capa, ed ora la sua casa editrice, la Time inc., ne ha annunciato la chiusura, almeno per quanto riguarda la versione cartacea.

L'ultimo numero sarà quello del 20 aprile, dopodichè l'enorme archivio fotografico sarà trasferito online. La motivazione di tale scelta è stata descritta dalla Time inc. con queste parole: "La causa della chiusura è nel declino del business dei quotidiani". Insomma poche inserzioni pubblicitarie e poche vendite per i giornali che avevano il magazine Life come allegato.

Leggi il resto